Live Shit: Binge & Purge
A.K.A. Explaining the Joke (Because if you have to do it... life's just not worth living)
Wednesday, May 25, 2005
Monday, May 23, 2005
Ok, here's the deal. I like RPGs. I do. But lately, I haven't been impressed. FFX was ok, but it lacked a lot in my opinion. I think the main thing is there wasn't enough time in the game where you could just go around and explore. Most of it had to follow a set path. Even once you're near the end, where traditionally you can just go and screw around, it was just too structured for me to really enjoy it.
Also, the main character is a total chode.
FFX-2: The adventures of Yuna in North America was more of the same, just with cosplay and only chick characters. Sounds like a recipe I would normally like, but something's out of proportion and it tastes vaguely of yak piss. (It lasted me about 10-hours before I noticed the flavor.)
Xenosaga didn't hold a candle to the greatness of Xenogears and there was way too much storytime. Granted, there was a lot in the original, but it's poorly executed here. Also, it would have been much better with the original Japanese cast. I haven't even touched the second (where they made the character designs shitty and fucked up everything I did like about the first according to reviews) and don't plan to in the near future.
So right now, I am playing RPGs but I've had to go old school for my fix. I've been playing FFII whenever I get on the stationary bike at home and I started up a game of Chrono Cross last week. Both I have nothing but praise for. I'm also a big fan of turn based combat which some newer RPGs have been screwing with. The next game I pick up and pop back in will most likely be Chrono Trigger which I started in on a couple of years ago, but never finished because my wife and I moved into our townhome as I was about halfway through. By the time I popped it in again, I had no clue where I was and need to start over.
Anyway, the point of this post, I've got very high hopes for Blue Dragon and if it's executed properly, that may end up being the point where I have to have an Xbox 360.
Also, if anyone has any RPG recommendations for me, they would be appreciated. (Some I've been looking at are Tales of Symphonia and the Shadow Hearts series)
So I saw Revenge of the Sith yesterday. I was going to write a little bit of a review on it, but then I saw Filthy's review and it's pretty much dead on.
As with any review I make (even though it's not me reviewing this) I feel I need to be honest with the reading public and disclose that before starting this movie I was already aware of the 9-minute rape scene.
Thursday, May 19, 2005
This right here. This is a fucking good idea.
Beast is my favorite of the X-Men. Strong-ass brilliant fuck. That's what every nerd wants to be! (Especially when he's in the process of being beat up on the playground for the third time that week.) I know I always wanted to be able to say, "Yeah, I'm smart enough to know that fighting really doesn't solve anything and I have more productive things I could be doing right now (like physics problems)... but right now, I'm going to tear you in half."
Anyway, I've been disappointed that Beast has been in about a frame of X2 so far, and I wanted more, but I really couldn't think of who should play him. Well, now I won't be able to think of anyone else. this is just as good as Patrick Stewart as Prof. X. Man, I'm excited.
Tuesday, May 17, 2005
Friday, May 06, 2005
Ok, I know that this article is long, but read it. It's really fucking funny. Especially the part about anime.